On The RISE!
VIDEO ADDED - VIDEO ADDED - 2272 word report – Professional scouting/evaluate analysis on 22 prospects that have risen up our five star national rankings considerably in the past 30 days of action - Emil Hemming, Daniil Karpovich, Leo Eperjesi, Bode Stewart, Nash Giles, Gavin O'Connell, Alexandre Ritchie, Kainoah Brankovich, Ian Petronijevic-Lepsa, Isa Guram, David Rozsival, Antoine Fontaine, Antoine Fontaine, David-Alexandre Coulombe, Sam LeDrew, Anthony Biakabutuka, Vincent Legare, Tatu Ikonen, Sebastian Kaminsky, Brady Martin, Konstantin Hutzinger and Olivier Groulx ... (I) @hemmingeemil @leoeperjesi @bode_stewart @_nashgiles @gavin.oconnell9 @gavin.oconnell9 @alex.rtch @ico_p.l._17_ @isa.guram @antoinefontaine_89 @dacoulombe @sam_ledrew @a_biak16 @vincentlegare_ @tatu.ikonen @seb_seb1999 @brady__martin07 @khutzinger4 @oli_groulx11 and (T) @GavinOc9 @fonfontaine @SamLedrew1 @kdog2665 ...
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